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        HomeTrade news > China superhard material composite industry development situation and prediction analysis

        China superhard material composite industry development situation and prediction analysis

        Number of visits: Date:Jun 1,2015

        1, composite superhard material industry development prospects are more optimistic

        Superhard material composite is by far the highest hardness of new composite materials, and cemented carbide and other traditional materials compared with higher hardness, wear resistance, better thermal conductivity higher, better processing performance and other advantages, widely used in machinery, metallurgy, geology, petroleum, coal, stone, wood, construction, automotive, household appliances traditional areas, electronic information, aerospace, defense industry and other high-tech fields. With the development of modern technology, the industrial production and daily life appeared in the higher intensity and rigidity of the product, there must be a harder, stronger materials to processing of these products, therefore, the composite superhard material industry development prospects are more optimistic.

        (1) the material properties is outstanding, mature production technology

        Superhard material composite of characteristics is a significant industrial production and processing required for the new material, features a unique, hardness is great, cannot be replaced by other materials. In addition, composite superhard materials production technology and process has been more mature, the technology of our country, the equipment level of development has the ability to manufacture composite superhard materials products, large-scale production of superhard material composite to satisfy the downstream industry needs to use has the advantages of high necessity and practical feasibility.

        (2) the downstream demand, market space is quite considerable

        The Chinese government put forward the current economic development strategy key is to optimize the industrial structure, improve efficiency, reduce consumption, protect environment, scientific, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, gross domestic product in 2020 to break up two times than 2000, national economy to develop momentum is fierce. The goddess of the moon landing, aircraft manufacturing, West to east gas pipeline, the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, the construction of cities and towns, promote the economic growth of 4trillion investment plan and project implementation also indicates that our country macroscopical economy and manufacturing industry is still huge development space. From the user industry development situation," eleven five" period, China‘s crude oil output will enter a period of steady growth, in 2008 China‘s petroleum production has reached 1.95tons; construction area from2003 to2007more than doubled, marble granite plate production in 2004to 2007more than doubled, metal cutting machine tool production from2003to 2007 growth of 72%, grinder output grew 40%, automotive, bearings, engine output increased by 1.3 times.

        (3) the traditional hard alloy material substitution of obvious advantages, the future development prospects

        Superhard material composite is by far the highest hardness of new composite materials, and cemented carbide and other traditional materials compared with higher hardness, wear resistance, better thermal conductivity higher, better processing performance and other advantages, its use in the life, machining efficiency and quality, excellent performance, significantly more than traditional hard alloy materials. At the same time, superhard material composite as hard alloy substitute materials, has rich raw materials, energy conservation, promote industrial upgrading of processing industry advantage. For example, each drawing die polycrystalline diamond material may be an average savings of100hard alloy dies, carbide by the strategic resources of cobalt (Co), tungsten ( W ) made of metal, while the diamond by ordinary graphite conversion gain, superhard material composite applications, can save the country a lot of tungsten, cobalt and other strategic resources; wire drawing die polycrystalline diamond materials friction coefficient is only1/3of traditional hard alloy material, the other under the same conditions, the use of polycrystalline diamond drawing die material can save energy by more than 60%; composite superhard material use, so that the original carbide not processed products can be processed, and high processing efficiency, good processing quality, superhard material composite the high life and reduces machining tool replacement frequency, thus can greatly promote machining, drilling industry industrial upgrading.

        Therefore, although the PCD / PCBN material in price compared to traditional hard alloy materials are more expensive, but with the PCD / PCBN material price is further reduced and downstream clients on the PCD / PCBN material properties recognition, superhard material composite future development space and market potential capacity is very huge.

        In 2, China superhard material composite industry need to focus on developing high-end products in the market

        Our composite superhard material industry development required internal matter accumulation and external market demands are more mature. China has become the world‘s largest superhard materials production country, the production of superhard material composite for raw materials such as diamond, alloy, zirconium molybdenum cup, cup in ample supply, the national industrial policy support, skilled labor supply is abundant; at the same time, the national economy and manufacturing industry in the process of rapid development has strong industrial structure upgrading aspirations, superhard material composite for traditional hard alloy material substitution effect has been in the machinery, metallurgy, geology, petroleum, coal, stone, wood, construction, electronic information, aerospace, defense industry, automobile, home appliances and other growing areas reflected, market demand is exuberant. R & D is currently restricted the industry to develop high-end composite superhard materials products market only bottleneck, in order to get rid of the current domestic superhard material composite manufacturers low quality low price competition, only through the development of breakthrough in high-end superhard material composite technical barriers, to quality products and international manufacturers to carry out all-round competition is the domestic manufacturers the right choice.

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